Thursday, March 26, 2020

We currently estimate to start the meetings on Monday 20th of April 2020

Awareness post: during these days when you are recommended to stay at home you will have the occasion to appreciate how precious are Tandem Warsaw Internation Community meetings. While as a consequence of the economic blockade many businesses in the entertainment industry will certainly close also in Warsaw, leading to a consolidation of the market, we are happy to remind you that Tandem is free from the virus of making money so you will still have Tandem meetings even if all of our hosts or any other competitors' business in Warsaw will get extinct. Instead we will keeping being the leading driving social force in town. Stay tuned on Tandem page, blog and Telegram channel because we are coming back to "business" ( ) as usual

Saturday, March 14, 2020

Tandem is on holidays

Hello guys, we have anticipated the measure decided today by the Polish government 3 days ago and today we had the last meetings. All remaining 2 meetings are cancelled, so no Arabic meeting 18th and Italian party on 28th March 2020. We estimate to start meetings again on 16th April 2020 but according to the situation we might postpone it if necessary

Monday, March 9, 2020

Tandem goes on holidays until 15th of April

Hello guys, we announce that as a form of precaution and prevention, given the international headlines, Tandem will go on holidays until 15th April. Already planned meetings will stay in place as planned until further notice. Last events currently planned are on 18th of March and 28th of March. See you again with the regular meetings from Monday 16th of April

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Expats meetings in Warsaw

1) Tandem Porazgovarajmo na hrvatskom i srpskom by TWIC
Friday 06 March 2020 20:00
Caffè Nero, ul. Inflancka 4b, Warszawa, Warsaw

2) Mówimy po polsku,bezpłatne spotkanie dla Polaków i obcokrajowców
Friday 06 March 2020 20:00
Caffè Nero, ul. Inflancka 4b, Warszawa, Warsaw

3) Tandem Warsaw Friday Expats meeting at Caffe Nero by TWIC
Friday 06 March 2020 20:00
Caffè Nero, ul. Inflancka 4b, Warszawa, Warsaw

4) Tandem 日本語で話そう!/Tandem Japanese by TWIC
Friday 06 March 2020 20:00
Caffè Nero, ul. Inflancka 4b, Warszawa, Warsaw

5) Parliamo Italiano e balliamo a Klub Arco
Friday 06 March 2020 21:00
Klub Arco, ul. Bitwy Warszawskiej 1920r. nr 19, Warsaw

6) Μιλάμε ελληνικά by TWIC
Monday 09 March 2020 19:00
Pyszna i Próżna, , Warsaw

7) Tandem Monday English Meeting N. 818
Monday 09 March 2020 20:00
Caffè Nero, ul. Inflancka 4b, Warszawa, Warsaw

8) Perski Tandem. We talk Persian.
Wednesday 11 March 2020 20:00
Caffè Nero, ul. Inflancka 4b, Warszawa, Warsaw

9) WednesdayTandem Warsaw Erasmus Language Exchange Meeting by TWIC
Wednesday 11 March 2020 20:00
Caffè Nero, ul. Inflancka 4b, Warszawa, Warsaw

10) Türkçe Konuşuyoruz / Tandem Turkish Meeting by TWIC
Wednesday 11 March 2020 20:00
Caffè Nero, ul. Inflancka 4b, Warszawa, Warsaw

11) Mittwoch: Wir sprechen Deutsch! im Caffe Nero by TWIC
Wednesday 11 March 2020 20:00
Caffè Nero, ul. Inflancka 4b, Warszawa, Warsaw

12) 说中文吧!Tandem Chinese by TWIC
Friday 13 March 2020 20:00
Caffè Nero, ul. Inflancka 4b, Warszawa, Warsaw

13) Tandem Friday English meeting at Caffe Nero by TWIC
Friday 13 March 2020 20:00
Caffè Nero, ul. Inflancka 4b, Warszawa, Warsaw

14) Mówimy po polsku,bezpłatne spotkanie dla Polaków i obcokrajowców
Friday 13 March 2020 20:00
Caffè Nero, ul. Inflancka 4b, Warszawa, Warsaw

15) ¡Hablamos Español! by TWIC
Monday 16 March 2020 20:00
Caffè Nero, ul. Inflancka 4b, Warszawa, Warsaw

16) 한국어 Korean Tandem by TWIC
Monday 16 March 2020 20:00
Tandem Warsaw International Community, inflancka 4b, Warsaw

17) Tandem Arabic by TWIC دعونا نتكلم اللغة العربية في وارسو
Wednesday 18 March 2020 20:00
Tandem Warsaw International Community, inflancka 4b, Warsaw

18) Parliamo Italiano e balliamo a Lolek
Saturday 28 March 2020 20:00
Pub Lolek, ul. Rokitnicka 20, Warsaw

January 2025 update of the job files by languages is available

 Expats and Foreigners in Warsaw looking for a job can easily screen hundreds of ads in a very fast way. The files are organized by language...